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Our vision is to connect everyone to healthcare with one click.

We know this is easier said than done. Without a bold vision, we’ll never make the progress we need for everyone, everywhere to get the healthcare they need.
To us, One Click represents:

One click means that JLI sees digital solutions and data as the new currency in health and healthcare.

One click refers to the lowest possible threshold JLI wishes to create for people in resource-poor settings to get access to healthcare.

One click implies that JLI supports the birth of a digitally connected community for health and healthcare, that enables epidemic preparedness and monitoring.

One click means that JLI is committed to build personal empowerment, to democratize health and healthcare, bottom-up to individuals in resource-limited settings.

One click refers to JLI supporting full transparency of health and healthcare data at marginal costs and with maximum privacy protection

One click symbolizes the JLI concept of a ‘third way’ in health data platforms: not the Silicon Valley, not the Chinese, but a European ‘National Care Bank’ approach

has made it possible for everyone to be reachable at ever lowering connection costs


1. Demonstrate the potential mobile technologies and data offers societies for better health coverage.

2. Spark debate by challenging conventional thinking and advocating innovative new solutions for more inclusive global health.

3. Become the platform where health policy shapers turn for inspiration, guidance and exchange.

Data and health

In the News: The patient must be in control of their health data

“A cooperative will soon be established. It will be led by patient representatives...We think it’s important that third parties don’t use all that medical data without the patient’s consent. The…
Data and health

Marc Smits and Marleen Hendriks talk Health Data on NPO radio

Recently the topic of health data has been hotly debated in the news. The Minister of Health of The Netherlands, Fleur Agema, has suggested that the population’s health data should…
Health Diplomacy

WHO Investment Round: Significant Step Towards Sustainable and Predictable Funding

This article was first published on the website of the Global Health Hub Germany on Nov. 20, 2024. This is a revised version after new data was published. Written by…