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Name and Status

Stichting Joep Lange Institute for Global Health and Development, a not-for-profit foundation established under the laws of the Netherlands with its seat in Amsterdam, hereinafter referred to as the Joep Lange Institute.

The Dutch abbreviation ANBI means “Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling”, or Public Benefit Organization. Institutions can only be qualified as a public benefit organization if at least 90% of their efforts are focused on the common good. The Joep Lange Institute is awarded the ANBI status.

RSIN/Fiscal number and Chamber of Commerce number

The Joep Lange Institute’s RSIN number is 855392514.
The Dutch Chamber of Commerce number is 63768402.

Contact details

The Joep Lange Institute for Global Health and Development

AHTC, Tower C4 • Paasheuvelweg 25
1105 BP Amsterdam • the Netherlands

P.O. Box 22700, 1100 DE Amsterdam, the Netherlands

+31 (0)20 303 10 52 /


The Joep Lange Institute is an activist institute, inspired by the life and work of Joep Lange.

The Joep Lange Institute combines science, activism and pragmatism to reach its goal: making health markets work for the poor where the systems fails the people. To achieve this goal the Joep Lange Institute analyzes the obstacles and failures in healthcare today, asking inconvenient questions when necessary. It comes up with concrete solutions for healthcare quality, access and finance. The Joep Lange Institute develops and tests these on the ground, to see what works and what does not, and  advocates to scaling those that have real impact for real people.

The Joep Lange Institute’s objects are to serve general public advancement by improving health and healthcare worldwide by taking action, among others, to initiate, stimulate, provide and support, for the benefit of health and health care worldwide:

– education and training
– scientific and other research and innovation
– advocacy and policy change
– business activities and other economic activity


The Joep Lange Institute is managed by its Statutory Board of Directors. The members of the Statutory Board are:

– Onno Schellekens, Chairman of the Statutory Board
– Michiel Heidenrijk, Statutory Board Member
– Aaltje de Roos, Statutory Board Member


Remuneration policy

The ‘DG-norm’ (also called ‘MFS II norm’) was introduced by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the end of 2009. According to this salary standard, the directors of organizations involved in development cooperation do not earn more than the basic salary earned by a Director-General (DG) at a Dutch Ministry. The Joep Lange Institute adheres to this norm, and is also compliant with the ‘VFI-norm’ and the Dutch Standard Remuneration Act.

Report on recent activities

For our policies and recent activities, please consult our 2023 annual accounts.
Per 1 January 2021, we are required to publish our key information per a standard format. Download here.

Financial accountability

The Joep Lange Institute’s financial resources may consist of subsidies, donations, bequests, assets acquired by testamentary disposition and any further revenues.