We are an international institute that promotes and facilitates innovative models in global health. We aspire to be a trusted partner that influences policy and shapes future directions that benefit everyone.
WHO Investment Round: Significant Step Towards Sustainable and Predictable Funding
This article was first published on the website of the Global Health Hub Germany on Nov. 20, 2024. This is a revised version after new data was published. Written by…
Christoph Benn participates at UN General Assembly Meeting
In September, Christoph Benn participated in a UN General Assembly (UNGA) in NYC at an event called MASLD and MASH: Prioritizing a global public health threat. The event focused on…
Christoph Benn contributes to new book called Resilient Health together with Patrik Silborn
JLI's Christoph Benn together with Patrik Silborn are contributors in a new book called Resilient Health: Leveraging Technology and Social Innovations to Transform Healthcare for COVID-19 Recovery and Beyond. Innovative…
“Het Joep Lange Instituut (JLI) is opgericht ter nagedachtenis van Prof. Dr. Joep Lange in 2016. Hij was één van de grondleggers van HIV AIDS behandeling wereldwijd en met name in Afrika. Het JLI ondersteunt initiatieven om iedereen in de wereld toegang te geven tot betere zorg via de mobiele telefoon“
Onno Schellekens, Chairman of the Joep Lange Institute
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